Friday, February 26, 2010

We've crossed into Toddlerdome

Well, it's official. Izzy has worn me out with her energy. We're past the time when I was pooped just from feeding, lack of sleep, diaper changes, clothing changes, spitting up, etc. Now, I'm pooped because she has discovered how to get into trouble in every single room. She's discovered she can yank on the blinds, pull everything off of shelves and out of cupboards, unpack her diaper bag, rip apart books and magazines, unroll the toilet paper, throw food, the list goes on. She cracks me up every single day. Today, she sat under the dining room table and talked to herself for about 5 minutes. Just chatted away. How is she so much fun?!

I read a story yesterday in a parenting magazine about a little boy who was struggling in preschool with learning and the precursors to reading because he had ZERO books at home to read or listen to stories, etc. How does a parent not have a SINGLE book to read a child? Libraries are FREE. Even if you had a baby by accident, it does not mean you can disregard basic parenting necessities, like teaching your child to read and learn. What a dull and dismal life that poor boy must have been leading with no nursery rhymes or stories.

Izzy's favorite toys are books. Right now, in the living room, she probably has a dozen or more books lying around. She pages through them and looks at pictures when we're not reading to her. She sits and listens to stories at least two or three times a day. And she holds a book at least 6 or 7 times a day. We're not perfect parents but at least we know enough to teach our child a love of reading.

We're planning a vacation to Texas to visit Grandma and Grandpa. We're going sometime around Memorial Day. Grandma and Grandpa have asked to watch Izzy while Brent and I take some time to ourselves. Yay! Brent is uncomfortable "dumping Izzy on people" for more than a day so we're staying at their house (which might as well be a resort) but planning on doing things during the days for ourselves. I'm excited to go to a water park! Hopefully we'll be expecting another baby this summer so I won't be able to do stuff like that much longer.

Ok, time for a quick snack then down for a nap. I love this part of the day! Nap time rules!

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