Thursday, February 11, 2010

In the Beginning was the Word...

I've never blogged before but I have recently noticed that I am dismally tardy in completing Izzy's baby book. Therefore, I'm going to start blogging and one day share it with my daughter so she can see how we lived when she was just a baby.

Isabelle Grace was born on January 29, 2009 at nearly midnight. She was born via C-section as she was "sunny side up" and was stuck in my pelvic bone. Needless to say, the last couple of hours before surgery were quite painful. Fortunately, all I remember is thinking, "this is the worst pain I've ever felt." I don't actually remember the pain. I think it's God's way of convincing people to continue to have children.

I remember it took me a day or two to develop that crazy strong Mommy/Baby bond that everyone talks about. Izzy had jaundice and had to go under the bilirubin lights for a day. I bawled simply because I couldn't hold her except on breaks. All day, for 24 hours, I looked forward to the 15 minutes we got every two hours to feed and change her. She was so small and beautiful but she seemed to love the lights - very warm and comfortable.

The first year of her life has FLOWN by. I do love being a stay at home mom, despite the lack of adult conversation. Here are some things that Izzy is doing currently (1 year, 2 weeks old):

1. She says Mama and Dada, though not exclusively in an attempt to talk to us. She's starting to say "ahDah" which I think means "all done." Mostly she still babbles constantly. I still love it.
2. She's getting really good at holding still so we can get her dressed. She's especially good at holding her foot out for socks.
3. She is getting pretty good at drinking from her sippy cup. She holds the spout in her teeth and walks around with it hanging out of her mouth. Must remember to videotape - it's hilarious.
4. Walking is significantly better. Now, instead of walking stiff legged, she has started to bend her knees with each step and her balance is much better for it.
5. She loves her plush toys, giving them hugs and snuggles all the time. She typically drags at least one of them around with her at all times.
6. She dances to music - bouncing on her feet and giggling.
7. Her favorite game is either chasing her or pulling everything out of a bag or box. She's an "unpacker." This does nothing for the tidiness of the house (which is already not top-notch as I'm the housekeeper.)
8. Last night, Izzy didn't want to sleep so I sat in her chair in her bedroom while she walked around in her crib. She ultimately decided that I wasn't paying enough attention to her and started waving at me. It took all my energy not to bust out laughing.
9. She eats mostly real food now. No more formula! She's loving the whole milk and eats everything that Brent and I eat and more.
10. She could take or leave fruit but eats every vegetable in sight. Hope this keeps up.

This is bound to be boring for most people but it's purpose is for our family. We want to remember.

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