Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Whole Point!

The whole point of this blog is to capture memories of Isabelle while they're fresh in my memory. And yet, I still have trouble logging on to this site to just DO it! I need some self-butt-kicking.

Izzy finally gave me a kiss today. She hasn't given one in about 2 months (I think we're seeing the beginning of the cantankerous 2's) and she just leaned in and laid one on me today! It was amazing. It felt like heaven. I also learned today that she's jealous of my love. We had our friends the Johnson's over for dinner and their daughter, Mackenzie, is 22 months. I was carrying Mackenzie around and dancing with her and Izzy kept grabbing my leg, wanting me to pick her up and love on her too. So I picked them both up and, to my adoring eyes, they gave each other a kiss. I feel for people who go their whole lives without children. They don't have to be blood and you don't have to have them from birth. But just having someone who calls you "Mommy" and feeling that sense of pride is the best thing in the whole world. They bring a joy that I can't imagine existing in any other experience.

Isabelle christened our new house and carpet the other day. One of the funniest things that has happened to us. Here's the story. Izzy had some really bad diaper rash all over her tooshie so I was taking pains to let her bum air out for 20+ minutes after removing a dirty diaper. After her bath one night, I was letting her run around naked in her room to air out. I figured she would have peed in her bath since most babies feel that warm water and just go. Unfortunately, she had some pee left over and she stopped dead in the middle of the room, looked down at her feet, and watched the pee stream down her leg onto the carpet. Damn. I rushed over and stuck a towel under her. When she finished, I toweled her off and took her into our bedroom where Brent was busy putting his clean laundry away. He watched her while I cleaned up the pee. When they came back into her room to get her jammies on, we suddenly noticed that there was a smudge of poo on her butt. We threw the diaper on quick, thankful to get the diaper on before the poo finished coming out, and Brent returned to our bedroom to finish up. From the other room, Brent shouts, "Uh oh!" He had discovered a big, steaming pile of doo doo on the carpet next to the bed. Ha! We don't need dogs; we have a baby to crap on our carpet!

I love you, Isabelle. More than I can express in words. I sometimes wonder how I'll be able to create enough to love to love another child equally. I know it can be done, since every parent comments on the miracle. But I think if you need proof that God exists, have a child and you will see God every day. It's getting to be time to start asking God for another miracle. I'm so excited to add to our family but, of course, nervous about the realities that another baby presents. Time to leave it up to God, be thankful for what we have, and thankful for everything He gives us.

Friday, February 26, 2010

We've crossed into Toddlerdome

Well, it's official. Izzy has worn me out with her energy. We're past the time when I was pooped just from feeding, lack of sleep, diaper changes, clothing changes, spitting up, etc. Now, I'm pooped because she has discovered how to get into trouble in every single room. She's discovered she can yank on the blinds, pull everything off of shelves and out of cupboards, unpack her diaper bag, rip apart books and magazines, unroll the toilet paper, throw food, the list goes on. She cracks me up every single day. Today, she sat under the dining room table and talked to herself for about 5 minutes. Just chatted away. How is she so much fun?!

I read a story yesterday in a parenting magazine about a little boy who was struggling in preschool with learning and the precursors to reading because he had ZERO books at home to read or listen to stories, etc. How does a parent not have a SINGLE book to read a child? Libraries are FREE. Even if you had a baby by accident, it does not mean you can disregard basic parenting necessities, like teaching your child to read and learn. What a dull and dismal life that poor boy must have been leading with no nursery rhymes or stories.

Izzy's favorite toys are books. Right now, in the living room, she probably has a dozen or more books lying around. She pages through them and looks at pictures when we're not reading to her. She sits and listens to stories at least two or three times a day. And she holds a book at least 6 or 7 times a day. We're not perfect parents but at least we know enough to teach our child a love of reading.

We're planning a vacation to Texas to visit Grandma and Grandpa. We're going sometime around Memorial Day. Grandma and Grandpa have asked to watch Izzy while Brent and I take some time to ourselves. Yay! Brent is uncomfortable "dumping Izzy on people" for more than a day so we're staying at their house (which might as well be a resort) but planning on doing things during the days for ourselves. I'm excited to go to a water park! Hopefully we'll be expecting another baby this summer so I won't be able to do stuff like that much longer.

Ok, time for a quick snack then down for a nap. I love this part of the day! Nap time rules!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ear Infections and Sloppy Joes

Izzy has yet another ear infection. This past Saturday, while Brent was at BockFest with some buddies, Izzy was up ALL NIGHT LONG, screaming at the top of her lungs. I sat up with her and tried to comfort her but she screamed herself awake every 20 minutes. We took her Sunday to the Urgent Care and they confirmed the ear infection. This is #4. I'm going to have to ask her pediatrician whether we should consider tubes in her ears to facilitate drainage and hinder bacteria growth.

Another side note: Izzy gave herself her very first Sloppy Joe Facial tonight at dinner! I'm not sure if this is a tactic we're supposed to take, but we have been allowing her to feed herself some of what we eat for dinner while we're eating. Hence, Sloppy Joe rubbed in the hair, the eyebrows, the cheeks, the chin, neck, hands, wrists, arms, etc. You get the picture. It was truly hilarious. Following the Sloppy Joe Facial was Izzy's first shower with Mommy and Daddy! No amount of wet papertowel was going to clean up this mess so into the shower we went! First take? Not so hot. After a few minutes, though, she was back in action, batting at the water spray and smiling through it all. I pray that she retains her ability to find joy everywhere.

Ash Wednesday

I'm a terrible Catholic. First, I totally forgot it was Ash Wednesday and ate a HUGE lunch and a medium sized dinner, and meat with both meals! Plus, I made an appointment to get a massage right smack in the center of mass time. Must work on this for next year!

I also can't figure out the whole giving-stuff-up-for-Lent business. Most people I know give up candy or chocolate or pop. A few people on Facebook have stated that they're giving up Facebook. I haven't figured out if I'm going to give anything up or just go on with my normal routines. Aside from sleeping, which I'm NOT giving up, and a cup of coffee pretty much daily, there's not a whole ton of indulgences that I allow myself.

One thing I do know: Ash Wednesday has reminded me to be thankful to God for all of my blessings, and show it in my thoughts, words, and deeds.

So, in short, thank you God for my baby girl, my wonderful husband, our beautiful house, our bank account which seems to be replenished just in the nick of time, our families, our health, our friends, and all the small things we take for granted every day.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

In the Beginning was the Word...

I've never blogged before but I have recently noticed that I am dismally tardy in completing Izzy's baby book. Therefore, I'm going to start blogging and one day share it with my daughter so she can see how we lived when she was just a baby.

Isabelle Grace was born on January 29, 2009 at nearly midnight. She was born via C-section as she was "sunny side up" and was stuck in my pelvic bone. Needless to say, the last couple of hours before surgery were quite painful. Fortunately, all I remember is thinking, "this is the worst pain I've ever felt." I don't actually remember the pain. I think it's God's way of convincing people to continue to have children.

I remember it took me a day or two to develop that crazy strong Mommy/Baby bond that everyone talks about. Izzy had jaundice and had to go under the bilirubin lights for a day. I bawled simply because I couldn't hold her except on breaks. All day, for 24 hours, I looked forward to the 15 minutes we got every two hours to feed and change her. She was so small and beautiful but she seemed to love the lights - very warm and comfortable.

The first year of her life has FLOWN by. I do love being a stay at home mom, despite the lack of adult conversation. Here are some things that Izzy is doing currently (1 year, 2 weeks old):

1. She says Mama and Dada, though not exclusively in an attempt to talk to us. She's starting to say "ahDah" which I think means "all done." Mostly she still babbles constantly. I still love it.
2. She's getting really good at holding still so we can get her dressed. She's especially good at holding her foot out for socks.
3. She is getting pretty good at drinking from her sippy cup. She holds the spout in her teeth and walks around with it hanging out of her mouth. Must remember to videotape - it's hilarious.
4. Walking is significantly better. Now, instead of walking stiff legged, she has started to bend her knees with each step and her balance is much better for it.
5. She loves her plush toys, giving them hugs and snuggles all the time. She typically drags at least one of them around with her at all times.
6. She dances to music - bouncing on her feet and giggling.
7. Her favorite game is either chasing her or pulling everything out of a bag or box. She's an "unpacker." This does nothing for the tidiness of the house (which is already not top-notch as I'm the housekeeper.)
8. Last night, Izzy didn't want to sleep so I sat in her chair in her bedroom while she walked around in her crib. She ultimately decided that I wasn't paying enough attention to her and started waving at me. It took all my energy not to bust out laughing.
9. She eats mostly real food now. No more formula! She's loving the whole milk and eats everything that Brent and I eat and more.
10. She could take or leave fruit but eats every vegetable in sight. Hope this keeps up.

This is bound to be boring for most people but it's purpose is for our family. We want to remember.